Propose a Program or Share Your Work

Get involved with SAWCC’s programs! SAWCC is always excited to learn about new artists and creative projects and is open to new program and event ideas, and we’d love to collaborate with you.

You can propose a program that presents your own work and/or the work of others. We’re open to workshops, talks, panel discussions, literary readings, comedy, performances, slide slams, film/video screenings, etc. We can help you to refine your program idea and event description if needed; help you reach out to presenters you’d like to include, if relevant; and support with logistics, tech, space, materials, and promotion (within reason—we have limited resources). Program organizers will receive an honorarium and may have a small budget to work with; any presenting artists/speakers will receive an honorarium.

We are open to artists and creatives working in any discipline/medium.

If you’d like to collaborate with SAWCC on a program, please email us at Please write “SAWCC Program Proposal” in the subject line. Make sure to give us a brief description or proposal of what you have in mind as a collaboration.