What new rituals did you create this last year? What fortunes do you wish for now? Anjali Deshmukh and Purvi Shah, artists featured in Encounters currently on view at the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning (JCAL) until May 15, welcome you to join the Missed Fortunes community storytelling archive and be part of art featured in the show presented by SAWCC .
Invite friends, family, and neighbors to share stories at tiny.one/fortune. You can also share @PurviPoets with #missedfortunes & #circlefor & at circlefor.com
Meet Anjali Deshmukh and Purvi Shah ​on Saturday, April 24, 2021 from noon to 3:00 pm. RSVP with JCAL here.
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. This program is additionally part of JCAL’s two-year pilot project, Building Equity for BIIPOC (Black, Immigrant, Indigenous, People of Color) Artists, funded by New York Community Trust.