Coded Bodies

Thursday, October 19 – October 20, 2000, 7pm

Exit Art and SAWCC present a video and performance event, curated by Mariam Ghani (Exit Art), and Chitra Ganesh and Swati Khurana (SAWCC), featuring video screenings from Sonya Shah, Raina Kumra, Swati Khurana, Sheelah Murthy, Prema Murthy, Karla Murthy and Marla Murthy, and performanaces by Marian Yalini Thambynayagam, Achinta Sawhny, Gita Reddy and Sharmila Desai. … Continue readingCoded Bodies

SAWCC Presents Gayathri Shakthi Arumugham and Neelam Misra

Friday, November 19, 1999, 7pm

Both of this evening’s presenters, Gayathri Shakthi Arumugham and Neelam Mira, will showcase works-in-progress and also facilitate a discussion on the place, role and evolution of classical/traditional arts in progressive, diasporic communities and spaces. … Continue readingSAWCC Presents Gayathri Shakthi Arumugham and Neelam Misra