
Saturday, September 17–Monday, October 3, 2011

SAWCC’s fourth annual visual arts show connects the featured artists’ works to the daily happenings of the market. Issues of identity, gender, class, race, globalization, and consumerism is crucial to the exhibition and is addressed through the many creative, theoretical, and sociopolitical investigations of the artists. … Continue readingOpen/Close

Closed Captioned

Wednesday, July 6, 2011, 7pm

Outsourced and Slumdog Millionaire have recently drawn South Asian faces into the mainstream. But while the New York Times uses these pieces as evidence that South Asians have finally “made it” in Western pop culture, breaking into the world of the screen still presents unique challenges for South Asians in film and television, particularly women, who remain a minority in the field. … Continue readingClosed Captioned

Open Heart/Closed Fist

Thursday, June 9, 2011, 7pm

Women of all faiths have joined radicals in solidarity, even as their own rights come under fire by conservative elements. But besides the images we see—women in hijab with their fists raised in Tahrir Square; women of all races with their fists raised in Madison—what about the women we don’t see, women who advocate for themselves and their sisters in the homes, gurudwaras, mosques, and temples? Neesha Meminger, Tejpreet Kaur, and Simran Kaur discuss the ways in which their works explore issues of faith and feminism as it pertains to the diaspora. … Continue readingOpen Heart/Closed Fist