Call for Erotica Writing and Performance: Lust, With Some Caution!

Desirable and Desiring Desi Ladies!

The South Asian Women’s Creative Collective is curating a euphoric evening of readings and performances celebrating and taking sexy back! Free your filthy minds, awaken your kundalinis, succumb to your yearnings, and submit your sensual selves to SAWCC’s evening of erotica, Lust, With Some Caution!, taking place Wednesday, July 30 at the very intimate Sunita Bar in Manhattan.

We are seeking poetry, spoken word, comedy, monologues, memoirs, fiction—from contemporary to historical to sci-fi, any time period, or any sexual orientation, original or reinterpreted works. Works that are searing, subtle, suggestive, satirical, subversive, salvific, sultry are welcome! Selected erotic works will be performed to an adult general public of mixed gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity.

Please exercise some caution! We discourage works that promote salacious pleasure from any form of abuse and violence.

Submissions must be no more than 10 minutes long when performed. Along with your proposed erotic piece(s), please include your name, a brief bio, and contact info. Presenters will be given a modest honorarium.

Please send your proposed pieces to by Monday, June 30, 2014.

Lust, With Some Caution! will take place:

Wednesday, July 30 at 7pm
@ Sunita Bar
106 Norfolk Street (between Rivington and Delancey Streets)
New York, NY 10002


Image: Sugar and Milk, Digital Print by Chitra Ganesh