Freedom. Safety. NOW. Creative Action Against Gender-Based Violence

Saturday, January 26, 2013, noon to 1pm

Please join the women of SAWCC in front of the Indian Consulate in New York for a creative movement-based protest action in response to the horrific violence wrought upon Jyoti Singh Pandey in India in December 2012 and on women’s bodies everyday around the world. … Continue readingFreedom. Safety. NOW. Creative Action Against Gender-Based Violence

Shine Jyoti

Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 5:30-7pm

SAWCC is proud to co-sponsor Sakhi for South Asian Women’s candlelight vigil honoring the memory of Jyoti Singh Pandey, victim of the recent fatal rape in December 2012 in New Delhi. Please join us in honoring Jyoti’s life and reminding ourselves that the work to end gender-based violence is urgent, necessary, and ongoing. … Continue readingShine Jyoti